Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oh, happy day!

Lest I turn my blog into a hotbed of angst, I will thus post something happy.

Let's talk about my husband. It is true, I am lucky to be married to my best friend (insert "awww" here.) I've known him now for more than 1/2 my life. We met when I was 16, and I am now older than 32 years of age - by more than a smidge. I liked him from the get-go because firstly, he was pretty easy on the eyes. Secondly, he was pretty easy going and laid back. Thirdly, he had a pretty wicked sense of humor. Sure, there's a lot of pretty going on. He's pretty fantastic.

We met in high school drama and on the first day of class my Senior year. He was one of the "new kids" that came to South Mountain High School via the Magnet Program. Yes, I went to a school where they had to import white people. He was an import - and a pretty cute one at that.


Then we went to Las Vegas 10 years later and got married. Did I mention it snowed in Vegas that day? Oh,, blog, blog...we've been married for 15 years now.

I'm really not very good at this. Can you tell? Yes, I may have missed a detail or two. Oh yeah, we live on Sesame Street. Seriously.