Friday, August 13, 2010

The Starring Role

Exciting news...I've been cast as the lead role in my very own show. It's called the life and times of Lucy Anaya-Mitchell. It comes out pretty much every day from the time I awaken to the time I fall asleep. There are some behind the scenes things going on while I sleep, but you need a back-stage-pass to get to see that stuff. Unfortunately, as interesting as I find this show, I can't find much of an audience. Most people are too busy starring in their own shows to pay mine much attention. The great thing is, I have some small roles in the shows of other people, too. In the "life and times of Mychal Anaya-Mitchell" and the "Life and times of Alec Mitchell" I get to play the mom. She's quite a character. As fun and free-wheelin' as she likes to consider herself, she's really much more conservative than she ever dreamed she would be.

Speaking of which, the guy that plays my husband is pretty hot. His name is Steve Mitchell - both in real life and in the show. He's had many roles in my show. He started out just being a guy in my class about 25 years ago, then he was a drinking buddy, and then my confidante. Before you know it, we're off in Las Vegas getting married!

I've been thinking a lot about roles lately. It started a few days ago when I was listening to a radio interview with Raphael Yglesias, the author of "A Happy Marriage," an autobiographical story about his marriage and mostly his wife's death from cancer. It was a sad and poignant story, but the thing that struck me most was the fact that Raphael's parents were both fairly well-know authors, themselves (Jose and Helen Yglesias), and in the article he discusses what it is like to have your life portrayed in the stories of others. He says, "even when someone writes you in a novel flatteringly, the truth is it's always troubling because it's odd to be a minor character in someone else's life since we're always the major character in our own lives."

Sure, I already was aware that we tend to think that things such as a "bad hair day" or having a stain on our shirt as much bigger in our minds than they are in the minds of others. Still, I became keenly aware that not only am I always center stage in my own role, those around me are also at the same time starring in their own roles. I am at once flattered that I get to be part of their production - but at the same time, want them to stop and appreciate what a marvelous job I am doing playing my own role. I'm sure I'll be up for an Oscar one of these years...


  1. I like that Steve character. I'm so glad you wrote him a larger part in your show!

    The Alec show, like many shows, is most interesting when he doesn't know it's on . . . "murmur murmur . . . stoopid! . . . . murmur murmur . . . "

    The Steve show, well, you might be surprised; it's actually a show about a guy who is keenly aware he's not really the star (although, of course, it's narrated from his point of view).

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